Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Beyond The Lines

Random thoughts for today:

Sticks and stones.
The addictive mist of misery.
Deep blue sea.
Needle prick, paper cut, skin abrasion.
Two-faced King of Hearts.
The great pretender.
Monalisa's mysterious smile.
Day 10 onwards.
Paranoia, ideas of reference.
Low serotonin level.
The unheard sorrow.
The unnoticed beggar.
Win some, lose many.

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2012

The Paranoid Self

There's no point in convincing myself that I don't care because in reality, I do care so much.

I can lie to many people but, sadly, I cannot lie to myself. Myself knows me so much; more than my family and close friends, if there are any, I should say. No matter how much I try to hide and suppress what I truly feel, myself can still detect that I'm just faking it. As a result, I, for one, look down at myself, too. And oftentimes, I experience self-pity. Many people thought that I was lucky and blessed graduating high school with honors; I actually thought so, too, but only at first. I was living the moment then -- flattering myself by other people's compliments and praises, overwhelming myself by the privileges that some college schools offered me, and having that strong self-confidence that I never ever had before. However, along with that was the intense pressure I felt brought about by the thought that many people are expecting so much from me. Whenever I hear previous graduates from my alma mater graduating college with honors, I cannot help but envy them because I know very well that my chances for that are minimal already. Also, I'm afraid that they might compare me with them. This is also one of the reasons why I don't usually hangout with my high school friends and visit my alma mater whenever I'm at the province. It's way too embarrassing on my part. I feel so useless and think that I'm such a huge disappointment. I feel degraded actually. But then again, no matter how much I try to deny it, myself never fails to slap me on the face and say, "Who are you trying to fool?"

Sabado, Hunyo 9, 2012

Just Another Definition of Love

If I were randomly asked about what love is or what its essence is, I would answer this:

The real essence of love, for me, is getting what you give in return or even getting more than what you give in return. I strongly believe that love is deeply rooted in sincerity which means that love is authentic; love is something that should not be taken just for granted because love should be taken seriously as love is a serious matter. Also, just like every thing else in the world, love has to be earned. You have to prove to the person that you are worthy indeed for his/her love. Basically, love is a give-and-take relationship and that there should be a mutual feeling as well. And most importantly, I should say, love has to start from deep within yourself. You cannot love somebody if you do not know how to love yourself in the first place. Just like in teaching, a teacher cannot teach his students something that he has no idea about. You cannot just "spread" the love if you do not have it in you from the very beginning.